News and Changelog#

  • 1.2.0 (23/11/22)

    • Automatically attempts to extract labels from HuggingFace model config if left unspecified.

    • Added new pipeline “token_classification_transformer” for token classification, including NER, POS and other types of token predictions

      • Automatically infer NER or POS from labels and assign these to doc.ents or doc.pos if possible.

    • Renamed “classification_transformer” to “sequence_classification_transformer” to avoid confusion with new pipelines.

      • Automatically assign sequence prediction to docs.cats. Can be toggled off by setting the “assign_to_cats”: False

    • Update to documentation

  • 1.1.0 (15/08/22)

    • Update following this Pull request on spacy-transformers allowing for alternate model loaders. This makes the code-base more stable towards future changes and removes existing monkeypatch.

  • 1.0.0 (29/01/22)

    • Stable version of spacy-wrap launches

      • extended the test suite.

      • Added docstring to ensure credit is given to the parts of the code developed by the team at Explosion AI.

      • Minor implementations details leading the pipeline to behave more consistently with the rest of the spaCy framework, including:

        • Adding an attribute to indicate that the pipeline can’t be trained.

        • Added functionality to read and write the component to disk 💾

  • 0.0.1 (29/01/22)

    • First version of spacy-wrap launches

      • Including wrappers for turning any classification transformer into a spacy transformer 🎉

      • Functionality for easily including multiple of these transformers 🌟

      • it even comes with a (minimal) documentation 📖