Source code for augmenty.lang.da.augmenters

from typing import Callable, Iterator

import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
from import Example

from ...character import create_char_replace_augmenter_v1
from ...token import create_conditional_token_casing_augmenter_v1

[docs]@spacy.registry.augmenters("da_æøå_replace_v1") # type: ignore def create_da_æøå_replace_augmenter_v1( level: float, ) -> Callable[[Language, Example], Iterator[Example]]: # type: ignore """Creates an augmenter that augments æ, ø, and å into their spelling variants ae, oe, aa. Args: level: probability to augment æ, ø or å. Returns: The desired augmenter. Example: >>> import augmenty >>> from spacy.lang.en import English >>> nlp = English() >>> augmenter = augmenty.load("da_æøå_replace_v1", level=0.1) >>> texts = ["æ ø Å"] >>> list(augmenty.texts(texts, augmenter, nlp)) ["ae oe Aa"] """ replace_dict = { "æ": ["ae"], "ø": ["oe"], "å": ["aa"], "Æ": ["Ae"], "Ø": ["Oe"], "Å": ["Aa"], } return create_char_replace_augmenter_v1(replace=replace_dict, level=level)
[docs]@spacy.registry.augmenters("da_historical_noun_casing_v1") # type: ignore def create_da_historical_noun_casing_augmenter_v1( level: float, ) -> Callable[[Language, Example], Iterator[Example]]: # type: ignore """Creates an augmenter that capitalizes nouns. Args: level: The probabiliy to upper case a noun. Returns: The augmenter. """ def conditional(token): if token.pos_ == "NOUN": return True return False return create_conditional_token_casing_augmenter_v1( conditional=conditional, upper=True, level=level, )